Kitchen waste accounts for approximately one-third of municipal solid waste disposal, making it the largest source of waste. Daily processing centers with capacities exceeding 50tons meet the high-volume demands of municipal kitchenwaste.
EASi ECOLYZER requires relatively small land surface areato construct a processing centre at a low investment cost and is capable of processing up to 100-5000 tons of food waste per day.
Common Issues in Centralized Trement
Landfill Issues
Requires a largeamount of land, Pollutes theenvironment in thelong term
Incineration Issues
High moisture content in kitchen waste reduces thecombustion temperature. increasing incinerationcosts
Anaerobic DigestionIssues
Requires a sianificantinvestment in engineerina. has a complex process, and generates a large volume ofbiogas, making it challenging to handle
Aerobic Composting Issues
Longer processing cycle, requiring a large land area, and often has relatively poor hygiene conditions
Drving Technology Issues
The effectiveness of this technoloayin killina bacteria and othermicroorganisms in kitchen wasteneeds further verification
Invesment Cost